Luckily I have a tip that very little people know about that can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on gear. Things like Audio interfaces, MIDI controllers, DAW software and more can be purchased LEGALLY at huge discounts using this method.
Once I let this information out, every beat maker looking to save some dough will be able to benefit. :)
The method is to use something called academic discounts also known as student discounts. There is a little known sector of the software and hardware industry that sell products at discounts for students and teachers.
Most of you out there probably are students or know people who are students. If you do, you can qualify for these discounts.
So what kind of discounts are we talking about? Lets take some real life examples:

Those are some pretty decent savings!
When you decide to buy from an academic pricing site, be prepared to send them a scan of your student or faculty ID. Also be sure to check which items are available to students only versus teacher only.
Now not every software or hardware will be available at a great savings, but if you're a smart beat maker in search of gear, you will take the time to research other sites before you buy.