It is the foundation and building block upon which all the other elements are set upon, and the reality is that a bad sounding Kick can quite simply ruin your beat.
For this reason many beat makers lean towards selecting a Kick drum sample over a “synthesized” Kick, for one simple reason.... Kick drum samples generally sound better. But the problem the beat maker is then faced with is a lack of control over tweaks and modifications to the sound of the Kick in a static sample.
Beat makers have developed layering techniques have developed over the years where a sample Kick is mixed with other Kick drums from different sources, Eq’d and pitch changed and mixed and create the desired result.
Up until now this has been a combination of many different external techniques and processes all coming together, in samplers, external Fx plugins, synths and mixers. Enter KickLab from Angular Momentum.

Download KickLab XL