The freeware scene in audio is constantly providing fresh and unique plug-ins that cover a broad range of virtual instruments and effects. The variety of designs are as numerous as their possible uses, as freeware developers and users break the boundaries of what is possible in audio software. This article covers
10 high-quality freeware plug-ins that have made it on the short list. Whether you're new to music creation or on the lookout for new software, here are five free instruments and five free effects that deserve a place in your plug-in folder.
02.circles by RLMA-LABS (PC)
CPU Usage: Medium-High

This synth features a new type of GUI, instead of knobs or sliders, there are circles that get brighter and dimmer when you adjust them. Based on the screenshot, my first impression was that this would be a novelty plugin that skimped on usable sounds, but when I actually tried it out and started designing with it, I found the sound engine is quality and there are more than enough modulation options to make unique and usable sounds and textures. If this plugin was a little bit easier on the CPU usage, it would become my go-to synth for some uses such as the "upper-mids" of wobble bass sounds.
TAL Elec7ro by Togu Audio Line (PC)
CPU Usage: Medium

This easy-to-use synth features all the typical parameters in the best way possible and adds some extra features that allow you to create bigger sounds than you might expect from three oscillators. As the presets demonstrate, this synth is capable of a wide range of professional and modern sounds making the short time it takes to learn the parameters well worth it. A filter envelope, an amp envelope, and an assignable envelope are also on board, as well as two linkable LFOs that can be synced to the tempo. It has both poly and mono modes, making it useful for many purposes.
Shortcircuit by Vember Audio (PC)
CPU Usage: Low

Shortcircuit is a plugin that allows you to load and map samples to a virtual keyboard. It features editing, effects, and LFOs and an automapping feature. If you have a folder of multi-samples, you can drag the samples onto Shortcircuit from Windows Explorer and Shortcircuit will try to automatically map the samples, usually successfully. It can also load soundfonts.
Sonata (PC) by Soha Sound
CPU Usage: High

Capable of a wide range of sounds with some very beautiful pads, Sonata offers a unique way of synthesis. The CPU Hit is high, but this is expected with pad sounds and many computer musicians choose to bounce their pad instruments to audio files anyway. Sometimes the plugin clips internally, so you may have to turn the amp knob and the sustain level knob to remedy this. More soundbanks are available on the plugin's website.
Triangle II (PC) by RGC Audio
CPU Usage: Medium

An extremely stable monosynth. Its unique features include atypical oscillator types, tweakable unison controls, distortion, and something called a Decimator which I have not heard in any other synth. The interface presents many other unique features in an easy-to-use fashion.
Be sure to check out the recently released soundbank by MG at
EpicVerb (PC) by VarietyOfSound
CPU Usage: Medium

A great reverb for all purposes--that's an understatement. Its realism makes it useful for adding depth to any audio, its surprisingly low CPU usage makes it practical. There are multiple types of reverb and the right amount of knobs for sound designing. On the extra-large reverb settings it can turn any almost sound into a lush pad, and it can make a monaural synth sound stereo if you need it.
CamelCrusher (PC and Mac) by Camel Audio
CPU Usage: Very Low

Featuring compression, distortion, filtering and parallel processing, CamelCrusher gives you multiple ways to pump and crush your audio when you need it quickly. It doesn't have a whole lot of settings, but sometimes that's a good thing.
Glitch (PC) by dblue
CPU Usage: Low

Essentially nine effects in one, dblue's Glitch plugin remains one of the most popular freeware effects plugins available. Shuffle, reverse, retrigger, and crush are four of the effects that can be used to glitch up any audio fed into it. While each of these effects could stand on their own, Glitch features an optional step-sequencer where effects can be chosen and triggered. Some possible uses might be to glitch an element of the track every 8 bars, by muting and unmuting the plugin. The only danger here is the time that could be lost while using this plugin, because it is very fun to experiment with.
bx Solo (PC and Mac) by Brainworx
CPU Usage: Very Low

This is fairly simple plugin, but a good introduction to Mid/Side processing. There are also buttons to hear the left or right channel on both speakers, and this comes in handy with sampling because sometimes you can extract a sound easier from just the right or left side. The stereo manipulation tools and width options are useful as well.
Rough Rider Compressor (PC and Mac) byAudio Damage
CPU Usage: Very Low

The effect of this plugin is well-heard and every knob tweak makes a difference. You can definitely hear it pump up the ambience on acoustic drum tracks. It could be used by drum sound designers to boost the "decay" section of the sounds and the webpage for this plugin recommends using it on rhythmic tracks. It's definitely not an all-purpose compressor, but the simplicity and boldness of the plugin is refreshing.
This article was written by Sean Duncan